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Flash Mob Proposal at the Madison Square Park

This was the regular day after work Adam suggested his girlfriend go eat out, as he did not feel like cooking. Walking to their favorite restaurant through Madison Square Park, our couple heard music and ” Showtime” screaming. Thinking that this is the regular street dancers, they stopped and decided to see what they will do. Little did Jessica knows that it all was staged and that her boyfriend got some special surprise for her.


At the end of the song, the dancers unzipped the hoodies and Jessica saw “Will You Marry Me?” sign written on them. Adam got on one knee and asked her to marry him. As soon as she said “YES” her friends and family come from the corner to congratulate the newly engaged couple. She was laughing and keep saying “I can’t, how did you pull this off?”


That was a perfect surprise and very fun marriage proposal.


If you planning to propose this summer but dont know where to start, contact us now at and our experienced team will help you to create the most unforgettable marriage experience.

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