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Grand Central Terminal Whispering Gallery Marriage Proposal

Who knew that Grand Central can be a romantic destination for a marriage proposal, but turned out it can. There is a secret whispering arch on the lower level of the terminal. This might sound like a very simple marriage proposal ideas, but it is definitely one of the most unusual and surprising.

A whispering gallery is located on the lower level right in from of the Oyster Bar at Grand Central Terminal. This interesting acoustic oddity is caused by the unusually perfect arches that compose the gallery. So when you whispering something in one corner you can hear it on the opposite side.

And that is exactly what Adam did. He asked his girlfriend for a date night and their first stop was the Oyster Bar, on the way to the bar he suggested they try this whispering gallery thing and you can imagine Sofia’s surprise when she heard ” Will you marry me?”

Engagement Photography NYC

Grand Central is a perfect space for an engagement photo session. Its broad corridors and grand high ceiling make it ideal for the pictures. The best spots for the engagement photography at Grand Central will be the lower floor of the terminal, the main concourse, and the main stairs. When at the main concourse look up and you can see a marvelous celestial ceiling. You will see 12 constellations painted in gold leaf plus 2500 stars—59 of them illuminated by LEDs. Absolutely stunning details that will bring your engagement pictures to the next level.

Another spot that you can’t miss is the main information booth clock. You definitely saw it in many movies and it is one of the most precise clocks in New York.

As a company based in New York, we can make your proposal special and unusual by offering locations and city secrets that are known only to the locals. If you planning to propose this spring and dont know where to start, contact us now and our experienced team will help you to create the most unforgettable marriage proposal experience.

Tatiana Caicedo

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