How to propose with the family

How to propose with the family 1

It is always fun to incorporate friends and family into the marriage proposal. Its automatically brings that celebration mode to the event. Friends and family members can have a hard time keeping a secret because they are so excited about the news! In general, the fewer people you tell about your plans the better, but if you know that your partner would love to share that experience with the family, you need to find ways to include the family members into your proposal.

How to include family members into your proposal:

1. Dont make a crowd

We saw it couple of times, when there are too many people blocking the photographer with the cell phones. Instead of an intimate moment you will have a family meeting doing livestream and skyping Aunt Mary while you asking the main question. Try to make it more personal and intimate, if needed cut the number of people  you invite for the actual proposal and just do the party with the rest of the friends and family later.

2. Incorporate family into the actual proposal

Ask your family to participate in the proposal moment. If you have a “Marry Me?” sign, ask her parents to hold it. Or let them bring flowers  and baloons after you get off the knee. It will be fun for them to participate and at the same time you make your partner feel important as you thought of her family as well.

3. Make it double surprise

Its really fun to make your partner “wow” more than once. You can propose in a private, intimate atmosphere. After the proposal, photographer will “suggest’ to go make more pictures and bring you to the place where all the family members will be waiting for you with the flowers and champagne. She will be impressed for sure. After some family celebrations, suggest to go for a dinner, where the rest of the friends and family will be waiting for you. Its really fun and no one is left behind.

4. Give her some time to feel the moment

Very often friends and family storming the couple too soon, that non of them really realized what just happened and they were not present at the moment. Ask your family to respect your time and enjoy the moment of privacy.

5. Think of the environment

This is probably the last thing people thinking about when they planning a proposal, but if you dont have a planner, who will clean the area after you ,  make sure someone from the family clean  it after you proposed.

Lots of couples bringing plastic flower petals and leaving it in a park or other areas. That is really bad for the environment and the park rangers have to clean it out. This creating problems for the other future engagements. Also if you have confetti and champagne, make sure the place looks the same as when you came in there.

6. Hire photographer

I know you will think why do I need a photographer if my family will make pictures, but its really not the same. Unlike the family members, you photographer is at work, so he will make pictures and capture every moment. Your family wants to enjoy the moment with you, not to work for an hour. Also, skilled  photographers working with the professional, high quality equipment, so they can guarantee you the quality pictures.

If you planning to propose soon, but dont know where to start, contact us and our experienced team will guide you through the whole process. We are here to make this day unforgettable for both of you.

Tatiana Caicedo

How to propose with the family 6How to propose with the family 7How to propose with the family 8