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Jane’s Carousel Marriage Proposal

That was an  amazing proposal. We partnered up with the Jane’s Carousel and move the piano inside for our client. Tarek composed a special song for his girlfriend Laura, who had no idea that he was going to propose in this way. The couple spent afternoon in Dumbo, visiting the galleries and on the way back decided to walk through the park. They saw Jane’s Carousel and decided to came in and take a look inside. It was dark, but as soon as they came it the lights turned on and they saw the beautiful antique carousel.


Tarek walked to the piano and start to play. Laura had no idea that was a special song for  her, since she knows he loves to play and didn’t pay much attention to it. But from the first words she realized that it was his declaration of love and tears started to roll down her eyes. That was a beautiful moment. Pure happiness and love. After he finished the song, he take the ring out of his pocket and asked her to be his wife. Laura said “YES!”

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