LGBT marriage proposal in Dumbo, Brooklyn

LGBT marriage proposal in Dumbo, Brooklyn

LGBT marriage proposal in Dumbo, Brooklyn

LGBT marriage proposal in Dumbo, Brooklyn

On June 24th, 2011 Governor Cuomo signed the New York’s marriage equality act, which allowed same-sex couples to get married legally in NY. Even though New York has always been diverse and open to changes, this new regulation made it the number one choice for lgbt couples to visit. So how can you surprise your partner with a marriage proposal in this great city?

1. Propose during the Pride Month

This might sound a bit of a cliche, but the city is just filled with love and fun activities, so if you propose during this time you will have so many options for celebrations. This is also a perfect ‘ cover’ and you can be sure your partner won’t suspect you planning anything else.

2.  Propose with the family

There is nothing like family support, especially when it comes to a marriage proposal. If you know that your partner would really love to share that moment with the family make sure you invite everyone to the engagement or arrange a live stream for everyone to join in.

3. Propose with your partner in mind

Always think of what would your partner likes the most and not what would you prefer. If you know your partner doesn’t like public attention, don’t propose in front of the crowds and choose a more private setting instead. Always keep their personality in mind and adjust the proposal according to it.

4. Propose with the photographer

We can not stress enough the importance of the photographer in the proposal. These are the memories that will stay with you forever and you need to be sure you have them preserved.

5. Propose with the sign

Sometimes you need to spell it out and what can be more romantic than proposing to your partner with the huge ‘ Marry Me’ sign. This is the perfect opportunity to surprise your partner and make a statement.

LGBT marriage proposal in Dumbo, Brooklyn

If you are planning to surprise your partner with the marriage proposal of their dreams but don’t know where to start, contact us now at and our experienced team will help you to create the most unforgettable marriage proposal experience.