Overwhelming Proposal at the Carousel

Overwhelming Proposal at the Carousel 1

From Priscila: I had a gut feeling all week that he was going to propose. I didn’t know how or in what way, or that it was going to be this huge production. He was always very sure of making it a complete surprise. We went to dinner at Giando on the Water in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and I figured it would happen right after or during dessert. It didn’t. But towards the end of dinner he told me we had to go to Jane’s Carousel in Dumbo, Brooklyn, for an event because our family happened to be there.

Overwhelming Proposal at the Carousel 2

After we parked and started walking towards the carousel, I didn’t see anyone there besides photographers. I thought it was very strange, but it honestly didn’t occur to me what was about to happen. Then I heard the song “Unless It’s With You” by Christina Aguilera and saw photographers and a set up of flowers and candles. When I realized what was going on, I noticed they were taking pictures of me.

Edwin reached for a sunflower that held the ring inside, and when he got on one knee I began to cry. I’m not big on surprises, and I got so nervous that I actually said “No,” and started pulling Edwin away. I don’t remember anything of what he said. I’m sure it was beautiful, but I was so in shock and in awe of what was happening that the only thing I remember is him holding my hands and getting down on one knee to ask me to marry him.

I said yes, and then started seeing both our families coming in with sunflowers, my favorite flower. I think that was the best part: him asking me and having both our families present was more important to us than anything else. I was so in shock that everyone was able to keep such a big secret from me that I didn’t know how to act!

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