Stories from our clients: Haley and Bradly engagement in Central Park

Stories from our clients: Haley and Bradly engagement in Central Park

Bradly and I have been dating on and off since High school which has been 10 years already!  We were in each other’s art class and one day decided to exchange numbers. Everything else is pretty much history from there! We moved in together a little over 2 years ago, so naturally, we’ve all just been waiting on that day he asks me to marry him! Well, back in January he told me he was going to take me on a trip for my birthday but that it would be a surprise and I wouldn’t find out where I was headed until we got to the airport! I HATE surprises!! My first and only thought was ” what am I going to pack?” Well, about 3 weeks before our trip, Brad accidentally slipped and said we were going to New York!!! Let me just say, New York is the one place i’ve ALWAYS wanted to visit so I was beyond impressed that he came up with this idea! I’ve begged him for years to take me, but I never thought I would ever get that country boy there! If you know me at all, you would know that I had an itinerary already planned for each day after about 30 minutes of finding out I was going there! Once we got to New York, I told Brad that I wanted him to at least plan or surprise me with something I didn’t know about since he blurred out the surprise trip! So….our third day in New York, I had planned for us to go to Central Park and then dinner reservations to follow. Little did I know that Brad had something else up his sleeve. He woke me up from a nap and said “you’ve got 45 minutes to get ready into something nice, we are leaving at 4”. My first thought was “whatever you’re planning isn’t on my itinerary,” He said that he cancelled all plans, we were going to central park and then he made us a surprise reservation somewhere. I couldn’t be upset because this was exactly what I had asked him to do was to plan something on his own. I honestly thought we had to leave at a specific time because he paid for us a horse and carriage ride all around Central Park (which is something I desperately wanted to do) so I didn’t ask any questions and got ready. We showed up to Central Park and he was non stop on his phone texting. I thought he was texting his group message with friends, or the horse and carriage driver to let him know we’ve arrived, but either way I was annoyed and kept telling him to get off his dang phone and enjoy the scenery haha! Little did I know he was texting our private photographer he hired the week before. We walked over Bow Bridge which was magical and saw this little platform with this couple taking engagement photos. I was telling Brad I wanted a picture of us over there when they were done, again…little did I know, that was the exact spot him and the photographer planned to meet for our proposal! We walked down there when the couple was finished and Brad said “you better get up there before someone else does if you’re wanting a picture.” When we arrived on the platform, Brad grabbed my hand, got down on one knee and asked me to make him the happiest man in the world and be his wife. I honestly couldn’t tell you everything he said because I was hysterically crying by that point, but we were engaged!!! When I came back to reality, Brad introduced me to the photographer that he had been working with to capture that special moment. We spent an hour with her taking beautiful pictures, and just taking in everything that had just happened. It’s pretty hard to pull a surprise on me, but my gosh my breath was taken away. I always thought I would know the day Brad would propose just by his actions, but nothing about that day made me even think of it. We ended our night with calling family/friends, eating a beautiful fancy meal, champagne toasts, and celebrating on Time Square! It’s a day I will NEVER forget.

I can’t say thank you enough to Proposal 007 for helping my man surprised me with the best gift he could ever give me, and having it all documented so I can relive that day forever!

We are still on cloud 9 and can’t wait to get married! We will be returning to New York with our parents in August to pick out my wedding dress and return to Central Park!

Stories from our clients: Haley and Bradly engagement in Central Park

Stories from our clients: Haley and Bradly engagement in Central Park