The new ” normal” marriage proposal ideas in New York

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”7537″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In the first week of May, we planed and photograph this marriage proposal in Central Park. For those of you, who had seen the video on our Instagram page (@proposal007), you know that this was a very cute proposal and the most joyful proposal reaction ever. For those, who missed it, here is the story.

Brian contacted us with a very specific request, he needed the company who was operating in New York and he needed a musician, who can learn the song he composed. Luckily, we had it all.

When Brian and Marlee were walking through the park, they stumbled upon a street artist, who was playing the tunes. When they come closer, Brian asked his girlfriend if that song sounds familiar. Marlee looked at him suspiciously and said yes. At that moment, Brian pulled the engagement box from the picnic bag and get on one knee. Marlee had the most beautiful and pure reaction ever, it was a real joy to witness it. Of course, she said yes.

Our musician and photographer, both respectively keep the 6 feet distance from the couple, as not to violate the social distancing rules.  No handshake or hugs were exchanged.

So what is the new “normal” right now?

  1. Shop the engagement ring online. Yes, as all the stores are closed, it is absolutely normal nowadays to shop for the engagement ring online.
  2. Stay away from the people and crowded places. Even after the quarantine we dont expect people to be willing to propose at the public places, so privacy will be a new trend. Private rooftops are expected to be on the high demand after the lockdown.
  3. Face masks are part of the fashion now. We saw couples customizing their face masks for the proposal. So soon we will see those ” He asked”, ” She Said Yes” face masks. Also, at least till the end of this year, people will be wearing face covers. All the major clothing brands are selling fancy masks right now.
  4. 6 feet distance is a new reality.
  5. Photographers taking pictures from a distance is an absolute must right now. No physical contact with the clients, no handshakes, no hugs.
  6. Creative approach. Looks like quarantine gave everyone a good time to think it through. So now couples, don’t just want to propose with the cute background on but want to make it more personal and customized.
  7. Zoom engagement parties. The best option to celebrate your engagement with all your friends and family is by the group call right now. We saw couples getting really creative with it, so there lots of opportunities here.

Overall we see those new “normal” trends to be positive movement and can’t wait to help couples plan their engagements in the new reality.

If you were planning to propose this summer, but not sure how to plan and execute your engagement in the new reality, contact us now and our experienced team will help you to create the most unforgettable marriage proposal experience.


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