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Best Places to Propose

New York is full of wonderful romantic places. So if you choose this city to propose to your significant one, you definitely made the right choice. If its your first time in the city, we will recommend to pop the question at the world famous historical landmarks, such as The Empire state building, Brooklyn bridge, Central park and Times Square. Just imagine, you bring her to the Times Square and do a big screen proposal. She would be thrilled and excited; you will be satisfied with the answer. A couple of weeks ago, Aazim contacted us regarding his big day planning. He wanted to propose on the Times Square big screen, but didn’t want it to be obvious to his girlfriend Kyra. So we create a perfect plan for them. Aazim invited his girlfriend to the Broadway show, that she wanted to see but didn’t have a chance yet. So after the show they were passing by the big screen, where he stopped her and ask to marry him. Kyra didn’t expect it to happen and was absolutely shocked. Later the car came and took them both to the restaurant where their friend and family were waited already. “I kind of knew he was about to propose, but I wasn’t expecting it this way. That was very sweet and romantic. And I like how he planned everything”, – Kyra confessed. The important tips to keep in mind when you do a big screen proposal is to keep calm and don’t rush. Even if you missed the first couple of minute its fine, there is really enough time for everything.

If you a local couple and you want to make the proposal interesting and unexpectable we will recommend taking a class or a tour. New Yorkers loves try out new things. Cupcake cooking class, painting night class, fencing class, archery class or wine tour – all that could be a perfect set up for the proposal. First of all its something new you both trying to do for the first time, so its fun and relaxing. Then its definitely surprising and shocking for her. For instance, take an archery class together. Ask the instructor to put the heart signs in advance to the target and propose after she reaches your heart with the arrow. Ok, it might sounds corny, but its fun and new for both of you. Once we did the active rock-climbing proposal. After the instruction and brief trial, we asked the instructor to initiate the competition between the couples. They put the target on top of the wall and ask couples to compete with each other. You should see the girls face when she reaches the aim and found the ring in there. In this city, you can bring to life all you wild proposal ideas and we are here to help you.

Where to propose in New York

You may be wondering, but where is the best place to propose in nyc filled with such limitless options? Make a romantic proposal in the Central Park or Botanical garden, Brooklyn Bridge Park or the High Line. New York is full of wonderful and romantic places. Each proposal is different and unique experience for us. Our company was based on the secret proposal photography, so that is why the visual part of the proposal is very important for us. It is important not only plan the proposal but also to position the couple in order to get the best reaction and great picture. Usually we send our customers a little tips note with pictures of how to stand and what angle to position the girl, so that we can get the winning picture. I would say that the best pictures we get in the Central park. Its usually crowded and no one pays attention to the photographer.


If you want to propose in the less crowded place, the NYC rooftops might be a good choice. We can rent a private rooftop in the city and light the candles, so when you come the romantic set up will be waiting for you. Its nice and you have the whole city just for two of you. Once we had a guy who wanted to propose to his girlfriend on the private rooftop. We create the whole story, according to which he invites his girlfriend to the restaurant but on the way he needed to drop some documents to his college at work. So when they came to the building and reach the rooftop, the romantic dinner was already there. She was thrilled. It is always fun to work with different people and help them to bring their ideas to life.

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