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Destination New York: How to propose on vacation?

New York City has always been the number one choice for the vacation destinations. And with the warmer months upon us the city will be offering even more activities for its visitors.  Usually March to June months still have unpredictable weather, but the days are getting longer and warmer and spring feels in the air.

If you are planning a vacation in New York don’t miss this opportunity to surprise your partner with the engagement of her dreams and what can be more romantic than exploring the city as a newly engaged couple?


How to propose on vacation in New York


1. Choose your style


When you just start the planning process decide what style of proposal are you looking for? Will it be a rooftop with the Manhattan skyline or romantic picnic in Central Park? Maybe you want to propose in the air over the helicopter ride or on the big screen in Times Square?

Always keep your partner’s personality in mind when crafting the plan. It goes without saying that shy people don’t want to be a center of attention, so if you know your partner is shy maybe Times Square Billboard or the flash mob proposals won’t be a good fit. 


2. Consider the weather


As mentioned earlier the Spring in New York is always tricky and it still can be cold outside, so think of the location. Do you want it to be inside ( hotel room, private venue with the view) or outside ( Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge Park, the High Line). If you are looking for the rooftops, always ask for the one that has an inside room and an outside terrace, in this way you will be covered if it rains or snows. In any case be ready that the weather might not cooperate on your day and dont stress too much about it.  



3. Incorporate  proposal into the planned activity


When you are planning a vacation in a new city it is natural to plan in advance where you want to go and what you want to see. So this is the best way to surprise your partner with a stunning engagement as you know what your schedule will look like on that day. Let’s say you booked a helicopter tour around Manhattan, what a wonderful opportunity it will be to pop the question while on the air and have a photographer waiting for you on the ground. Or maybe, she wanted to see the Cherry Blossom Festival  in Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. Hire the paparazzi photographer to follow you around taking pictures and propose under the blooming tree. 


4. Hide the ring


This probably will be the most stressful part of your destination proposal.  Make sure that your engagement ring box is stored in a secured place, preferably always at your sight. If you carry the box around with you, place it in your inner pocket, but be careful carrying it in your bag. When you visit the NYC attractions ( Top of the Rock observation deck or the Edge) there will be the metal detectors, so keep the box in your jacket and put it in the bin for security to check. If the box is too big to carry around, buy a thin decorative box and on the proposal day place the ring there. 


5. Book a restaurant in advance


Always think in advance of what you are going to do after the proposal. Choose a nice restaurant and book it ahead of time. Notify the place that it will be an engagement celebration dinner and ask for some surprise desert. Marriage proposals are always shocking and overwhelming, so planning where to go in an unfamiliar city will be extremely hard for the just proposed partner. If you want the day to go flawless book the car service as well. It will save you lots of time and nerves and will give more time to tell your partner of how you planned all that. 



Planning a destination proposal might be stressful, that is why we are always encouraging to contact us as soon as you booked the tickets. Starting planning earlier is the best way to make sure everything goes smoothly and you feel calm and confident. Also, if you are looking for some custom proposal planning starting earlier will be more budget friendly as it gives more time for the planner to prepare the items that you are looking  for. 


Overall, New York City is absolutely fabulous in spring and if you are planning to propose while on vacation here, contact us now and our experienced team will help you to create the most unforgettable marriage proposal experience.

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