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NJ Surprise Proposal with the Singing Group

Valentine’s Day 2019 We were having a very special marriage proposal at the Maestro’s Steakhouse. After a proposal, the manager gave us a card from one of the customers, who were dining at the restaurant and asked us to email him.

That’s how we first met Steve, a real estate broker, who was planning his epic marriage proposal to his long term girlfriend Kristina.


He had a very specific plan and we were happy to help him bring it to life.

The proposal preparation started a couple of months before the important day when Steve gave Kristina a handmade flyer invitation to his parent’s 40th-anniversary party. Little did she know that it would be her engagement party with both parents and friends present.


So on the party day, Steve and Kristina were going to the Pier A in NJ to meet the rest of the guests and come to the celebration together. When they arrived, our musician reached out to them and asked if they here for a party gathering. They said yes and the guy asked their names. After learning that it was Steve and Kristina, he announced that he has something better for them and started to sing a song by Shania Twain “from this moment”.


After that one by one different singer start to come by and Kristina realized that something important was about to happen.

“Kristina, will you marry me?” Steve asked, and she got a “YES” in return.


She was so surprised that keep asking how did he plan all that and if they were actually going to a party. “Yes, your party,” he said and lead her to the restaurant where all friends and family were waiting for them.


This was an absolutely wonderful marriage proposal and we are so happy we could be a part of this story.


If you planning to propose this summer, but don’t know where to start, contact us now and our experienced team will help you to create the most unforgettable experience in your life.

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