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5 Ways To Enhance Your Proposal

Engagement is a big step and it can be stressful for both of you. You want this day to be perfect and memorable. We got it! And we have some tips on how to enhance the proposal, to make it truly magical.

  1. Make it personal.

We recently had this couple, who went on  a first date to the  pudding place in SoHo. So, when it comes to the proposal idea, of course, that was the first choice. Becasue so many good memories are connected to this place, and the couple can really see how far they went from that date to the engagement.

So, its alwasy a good idea to come back to that “first date’, “first kiss,’ “favorite view” spots.

2.  Music

You would be surprised how important it is. Song or a melody can be a very powerful tool. Its always good to play her favorite song, or a song with meaningful lyrics. Someties, guys asking to play any romantic song, and to tell the truth yes it sounds great, but its not special. So if you want to make it “SPECIAL” find out what her favorite song is.

3.  Personalized Ring Box

Before she will see the ring, she will see the box. And although we have couples, who are hiding the ring in the socks and wallets, the customized ring box will be another “wow” factor.

It is also something that will stay in your family forever and every time she will look at it the good memories will comes. So, make it special.

4.  Make the day plan

If you coming to NY on vacation or a business trip, tell her in advace that on this day you will have free time and let her  plan the perfect day. Maybe she wanted to go shopping or visit a museum, so let her enjoy the day, so that when the time will come and you surprise her with your well-planned proposal, she will have this memory of an ideal day.

If you live in NY, tell her in advance that you were invited to a party or you want to check this new place. Give her enough time to get prepared. Or as one of our clients did, he brought hthe outfit that she loves to the proposal spot and let her to change there. She was sooo happy as she knew she look stunning and the whole idea of him doing it was very pleasant.

5. Do something unusual

Surprise her. Of course, proposal is the proposal and she will be very happy no matter what. But go beyond the ordinary ‘dinner proposal’ and make her ‘ wow, i would never think you can do something like that ‘ is what we looking for. It doesnt need to be crazy expensive, it just needs to be different from what you usually do. She might expect a ” dinner proposal’, but on the way to the restaurant you can pass the park where the candles and musicians will be playing a song and you get your off guard. She will remember that forever.

If you planning to propose, but dont know where to start and feel lost in the ideas, feel free to contact me directly 347 926 9458 Tatiana and we can discuss and come up with the idea, that will makes your engagement unforgetable.

Tatiana Caicedo

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