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Grease movie 40th Anniversary theme Surprised Proposal

Amanda and Darlene were travelling from Vegas to New York to catch a 7 days cruise. And it feels like a perfect opportunity to surprise a partner and make the unexpected proposal. So we decided to make sumeting very special.


Turned out Amanda’s favorite movie was “Grease” as she loves  dancing  and singing. We decided to make a little flash mob on a private rooftop. We send a fake “Grease 40th Anniversary” dance show invitations and made some flyers, to make it look more belivable.


The couple arrived with the full believe that they were going to the show. The dancers were “rehearsing” when they came in, so to look it more belivable, the dancers ask permishion to go through the dance one more time before the show beginning.


Guess what a surprise it was, when at the end of the “You are the one that i want” song, the dancers flashed “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” shirts.


Amanda was speachless. She was so surprised that she couldnt stop asking questions and details of the whole proposal process.


Congratulations to our beautiful couple! Thank you for choosing us 🙂

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