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How to convince her to wear a stunning dress for a surprise proposal?

Oh, we got this question a lot “But how did I make her wear a dress on that night?”

You are planning a perfect proposal and you have a secret photographer, so you want to look stunning in the pictures. But how to make your girlfriend, who has no idea what a surprise you planning, wear that gorgeous dress that you like? Here are some real tips from our couples, who succeeded in this mission.

Jeff and Rachel.


Jeff had this idea of the perfect engagement and he knew that his girlfriend would love to be surprised, but also she wants to look great in the pictures. So he actually bought her a dress and perfect shoes matching the dress. He set up a changing room with candles and flowers, so the perfect mood and perfect outfit were guaranteed.

Great idea, perfect for chic couples.

Use the opportunity.


Rashan knew that his girlfriend taking the cherry blossom festival seriously, as she was talking about it weeks in advance and get a special dress for this occasion. What a great opportunity for a surprise proposal. She is planning her day and doesn’t suspect that you have your agenda on that day. Beautiful dress and pictures to remember forever.

If your partner taking some events seriously, use that opportunity as it’s a perfect cover for your proposal.

Fancy dinner reservation.


Marcus told his girlfriend, that they are going to a new fancy restaurant. So the couple got dressed up accordingly. Imagine her surprise, when the host brings her to a private terrace with candles and a secret photographer taking pictures. She did not expect it at all.

Our couples use this cover a lot. The key point here, to make her believe that it’s something very chic with a strict dress code.

Business meeting.


Alessandro was going to New York on a business trip. So when he told his girlfriend, that they will have a business meeting with the partner, she paid no attention to it. The couple arrived earlier and the hostess suggested waiting on the terrace. Imagine her surprise, when she sees candles and her boyfriend on one knee asking for her hand. Very well planned proposal.

If you going to New York on a business trip, that should be your cover. It sounds very natural and normal, and she would never suspect anything.

Corporate Event.


Oh yes, the good old ” birthday party or a corporate event” surprise cover. Work perfectly every time. Igor told his girlfriend that they are doing a farewell party on a rooftop for a coworker and that his boss will be there, so they have to come and have to dress up. Very well played and voila, it’s actually an engagement. Natalia was so happy she looked like a princess and was very pleased to get the pictures.

Gala event.


If you want your partner to look like a real-life princess you need to come up with a perfect cover. For this proposal, our client told his girlfriend that they were going to a Gala event. We actually made fake tickets and signs, so that everything looked believable.

You cant imagine her happiness, when she realized that it’s her proposal and she looked stunning.

If you are planning a marriage proposal but don’t know where to start or got lost in the ideas, contact us at and we will help you to create an unforgettable proposal.

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