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How to propose on the Edge – the highest observation deck in New York?

If you are a fan of the heights, New York City’s new observation deck would definitely get your attention. This is the highest outdoor sky deck in the Western Hemisphere. It is 100 stories high and has the angled glass walls and a glass floor to look down. Which makes it a perfect place for a surprising marriage proposal.
So here are all the things you should know before popping the question at the Edge:

1. Timing


Timing is everything. The deck opens up at 10 am and closes at 10 pm. Depending on the line, it takes around 25 minutes to pass all the security checkpoints and get up on the terrace.
It is extremely busy during the sunset, so if you want to avoid the crowds better come in the morning. You will get the whole deck to yourself and will be more comfortable posing for the pictures without people staring at you. If you still want to propose on a sunset, make sure you buy the ” Champagne admission”, this will give you the opportunity to use the Edge Bar and the outside stairs, which can be a perfect place for a proposal as well. Also, always book the tickets an hour before sunset time, just to be sure you are up in time.


2. Weather


It is an indoor and outdoor observation deck, so even if it rains you still can propose inside. Since it is so up high, the weather might vary from those on the ground, so always dress in layers. The Edge has the right to close some parts of the deck for safety reasons in case of inclement weather. Also, all the guests will be notified prior to the entrance if there is zero visibility on that day. Keep in mind that all ticket sales are final and there are no exchanges or refunds.

3. Privacy


If you are planning to propose at the Edge keep in mind that you can not block or close down any areas. It is a public place, so you can not bring decorations and place signs that are blocking the view during the open hours. Of course, you can have a group of friends who can hold the banner or ” Marry Me” letters. Please note the deck doesn’t allow balloons at all times.
But, you can rent the deck for a private proposal! There is an option to propose in private at the after-hours, meaning you can have the observation deck to yourself for 30 minutes. How dreamy is that? In order to do that contact us and we will help you to reserve the spot.


4. Photography


Photography is allowed and encouraged, but you can not bring tripods or any lightning stands to the deck. It is stated on the website that photography is permitted for private use only, otherwise, you need to contact the press and media department to get the approval. Make sure you hire our secret photographer who can follow you from the entrance taking paparazzi-style pictures till the proposal moment. Your partner would never know someone was photographing you.


5. Checkpoint


In order to get to the deck, you will need to pass two checkpoints and a screening. If you carrying the engagement ring with you, make sure you put it in the pocket of your jacket and place the jacket in a bin for the screening. In this case, the security person will see the engagement box and won’t ask the questions. The last thing you want is for your fiancée to see the ring before your get on one knee. If you still too nervous to carry the ring with you give the box to your friend or photographer to pass it through the security check.


6. After proposal celebration


As mentioned earlier you can purchase the “ champagne admission” which will give you access to the Edge bar. You can buy food and drinks at the bar and celebrate outside in the special area. It is a perfect way to celebrate the proposal with the best view you can only ask for.


Observing New York City from above is always an unforgettable experience and it will be a perfect choice for a remarkable marriage proposal. But if you feel that your partner would prefer the proposal to be private, contact us now and we would recommend you the best option from the private rooftop list on our website. Our experienced team would help you to plan and create the most unforgettable marriage proposal experience for you and your partner.

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